Yesterday while I was having dinner, SMALL FAN wanted to poo poo and asked to put on his diaper. As I was eating my dinner, I told him to wait a while for me to finish up first. Instead of waiting, he walked to the bathroom, took out his small red potty and sit on it. Sitting on the potty was really boring so he started talking to Baby FAN (she was sitting on her walker moving around in it). Then, he did a half squat and give a huge push and there was this big pile of shit. Cool...he did it! I kept praising him, and thought...that it, he is a big boy now. Then while I just finish washing his backside, he starting doing his business in the bathroom floor :( Luckily, it's just a little, so I managed to wash it away and clean his backside the 2nd time. Then before I can wear his pants, he ran to the study room and hide in one corner and said he want to poo poo there. I screamed and asked him to go to the bathroom which he obediently did. So I wash his backside for the 3rd time...:( In any case, I still praise him for being so independent, taking the potty, taking of his pants and pooing on his own.
My SMALL FAN....dunno to laugh or not...what a dramatic poo pooing experience for the mommy...