Friday, April 3, 2009

Simple Pleasure of Life

With a 1 year old and a 3 years old under my care, I was always at my wits end on how to keep both of them entertained at home other then watching TV. Things like art and craft and drawing is too tough for the 1 year old and things like rattle is too boring for the 3 years old. So Big FAN built this tunnel using very simple tools, basically just 2 bolsters, 2 pillows and a baby mattress and surprisingly the 2 kids love it and was really having a get time with it. SMALL FAN keep asking me to build the tunnel for him after that.

Ever since then, SMALL FAN started to become really creative and building his own tunnels using pillows, sofas, bolster, blanket etc...and Baby FAN gets to be the guinea pig and try out his tunnels and the 2 of them really enjoy is what I call "the simple pleasure of life"...


  1. hahaha! so funny! i built one for gaby too! how come the things that kids wants are almost the same around the same age? gaby wanted to build a tent. so before i dig out my little tent from the storeroom, i made do with some pillows and a light blanket! i should have been more creative like you to use a light tilum instead of the blanket cos the blanket kept slipping down.

  2. ya hoh...I remember I used to play this when I was young also...hi hi..


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