Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Breasting Woes

'm currently totally breast feeding my little Baby FAN, been trying to get her to drink expressed milk from a bottle but without much success. So, have been reading up forums to find out how other mothers deal with this issue. I'm surprise that a lot of mothers who have followed the lactation consultant's advise to fully breastfeed the baby for the first month faced this issue of having the baby reject the bottle after that. So, my advise for new mom to be, that unless you intend to look after the baby yourself and be stuck with her for who knows how long, introduce your baby to the bottle as soon as you can. Don't worry about nipple confusion, they are smarter then you thing, they know what to choose. The only thing is that you have to dilligently pump your milk every 2 to 3 hours to keep the supply going.

Now with Baby FAN latching on, I can't seems to go anywhere without her for too long. I will need to watch the clock when I go for my grocery shopping, will need to rush back in 3 hours time so that my Baby FAN won't get hungry....sigh....I'm still trying hard to get her use to the bottle as I'm planning to bring SMALL FAN for an oversea trip and don't intend to bring Baby FAN as she is still too small....so please pray for me that Baby FAN learnt how to drink from a bottle soon....sigh.....

By the way, for moms out there like me, here are some suggestions that I gathered from mums from forums on how they get their baby to drink from the bottle:
  • Go Cold Turkey - staff the baby for a few hours and then offer her the bottle when she is really hungry
  • Mom, Get Out! - Get yourself out of the house and have someone else fed your baby, as they can smell you from miles away, so you need to be out of sight so that the baby knows she got nothing else to drink if she refuse the bottle
  • Sleepy time - breastfed the baby, when she is drowsy and sleepy, switch to milk bottle, slowly shorten the breastfeeding time
  • Shake Baby Shake - sit on a bouncing ball or shake the baby with your leg when bottle feeding her, I think the shaking is suppose to distract her
  • Sit up or Face front - face the baby forward or sit her up so she can't see who is feeding her
  • Playtime - let her play with the bottle so as to get her familiar with it
  • Others - feed her with a spoon, try introducing her to a drink cup

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