Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Teacher's Day Present

This is a backdated post, almost forgot about it until I saw the picture taken of the card that SMALL FAN made.

Was thinking of what to get for SMALL FAN's teachers for the Teacher's Day when I thought, instead of buying something, maybe it will be more meaningful to get SMALL FAN to make it himself.  So I get SMALL FAN to the website and get him to colour some trucks and vehicles online (as he still can't colour very well, so by colouring online he can actually colour whatever he likes and it will look nice).  Then I printed it out in our printer, but our printer's magenta went all the pictures turn out yellow and blue...sigh...but nevertheless, it still looks pretty good. Then I cut out the pictures and pasted it on a coloured paper.

Then the next task was to get SMALL FAN to write "HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY". However, I know that SMALL FAN won't have the patient to write the complete sentence in one card.  I thought I give him a few papers then I get him to write the word "Happy" by looking at how I write and then following me.  Then "Day", however "Teachers" proves too tough for him, so I write for him instead.  Then I cut out the words one by one and pasted it on the coloured paper.  Here's the completed work, now bad right?

1 comment:

  1. 1+1=∞王

    悉怛多缽怛囉阿們 窮盡相關消去無關 證據時效


    十習因 鬼道 畜生道 人道
    貪習(貪物) 物怪(依草附木)   梟類(土梟) 頑類(愚呆)
    媱習(貪色) 風魃(旱魃不雨)   咎徵(烏鴉...凶兆) 異類(妖怪)
    誑習(貪惑) 畜昧(狐獸精靈)   狐類(狐狸......) 庸類(卑鄙)
    瞋習(貪恨) 蠱毒(毒虫惡蟲)   毒類(虺蛇......) 狠類(剛暴)
    怨習(貪憶) 疫癘(散行瘟疫)   蛔類(蟯蛔) 微類(賤僕)
    慢習(貪傲) 氣餓(飢虛之鬼)   食類(虎狼......) 柔類(懦弱)
    枉習(貪罔) 憂魘(厭人心胸)   服類(衣服二類) 勞類(勞苦)
    見習(貪明) 魍魎(山精之鬼)   應類(燕鴻......) 文類(小才)
    詐習(貪成) 役使(咒術役鬼) 休徵(鳳麟吉類) 明類(小聰)
    訟習(貪黨) 傳送(遞傳吉凶)   循類(鴿犬......) 達類(小知世故)



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