Friday, October 3, 2008

Teething Pain

My Baby FAN seems to be teething. Poor girl was feverish and wake up crying, seems to be in pain for the pass few days. My mum say she is teething and she can feel some eruption at her top gum, but I can't see anything yet. A lot of books says that teething and fever is not related, but this is not so for SMALL FAN's case as he almost alway get a fever when he teeth for the first few teeth, so I believe this will be the same for Baby FAN. Bought those baby teething gel to apply on her gum but doesn't seems to help as she is still crying. Guess have to just bare with the cry for the time being until her teeth comes out.

1 comment:

  1. alex is oso teething again! but i only see one on the left side of his front lower jaw... haizzz... guess tat's why he isn't sucking properly on the bottle during milk feeds!


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