Sunday, September 21, 2008

Teaching SMALL FAN to read - Part III

SMALL FAN knows all the sound of the 26 alphabets already although he sometime do forget 1 or 2. So I'm now teaching him 2 and 3 letters words and was thinking how I should do that when I stumble upon this blog Phonics & Reading where Tamarind wrote how she teach her kids phonics in a step by step way. I can't help noticing some similarity in her approach with mine so far and I'm going to make use of her blog to further develop SMALL FAN's reading ability.

Well, I found a way to introduce him to 3 letters words. After introducing him to the 2 letter words (see my previous Post). Then I form 3 letter words using the 2 words and paste it all over the wall. Then I printed an A4 paper with pictures on it (see picture on the right). Then I just paste it on the wall. SMALL FAN, being as curious as ever will point to a particular picture and ask me what is it. Then I will say the word, for example, "PAN". Then I slowly repeat the word and sound out the word slowly "Per + AN" "PAN". Then I ask him to pick out the appropriate words for those on the wall and paste it beside the picture. He really likes it and I'm really glad that he can actually recognise the correct word and pick it up by hearing the sound I produce. Also, I don't force him to do the exercise and leave him to decide when he want to learn it, so occasionally, he will go to the wall and ask me, "Mommy, what's this?" and that's where I start teaching. So, I very much let him lead his own learning this way...

I think he is getting the idea of words forming as I recently printed a picture of a SHIP for his usual art & craft and I write the word SHIP under the picture. He started pointing to the individual alphabet and say "Sss, Ha, I, Per" as in "BOAT". Ok....I was almost there...he knows the individual letter forms a word and still can't grasp the whole concept patient.

To help reinforce his phonics, I recently bought this book My Phonics Reader published by Pelangi at Popular Bookstore. It's a cheaper alternative to the Ladybird Series. Thought the picture was quite nice and the wordings are very simple and rhythmic, for e.g. Pat Cat sat on a mat. Tried asking him to read the words in the book and he was able to read the work "Cat". mmm...way to go SMALL FAN.

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